Kossuth County Sanitarian

Courthouse Annex

109 West State Street | Algona , IA 50511 | Phone: (515) 295-3813 | Fax: (515) 295-3464

Office Hours: 8 am to 4 pm, Mon.-Fri.
Kossuth County is dedicated to protecting the health and welfare of the public as well as Kossuth County's Natural Environment. The Kossuth County Sanitarian ensures that necessary and desirable standards are maintained for adequate and reasonable control of environmental conditions that are hazardous to the health and safety of the public. The Kossuth County Sanitarian also promotes economical and orderly development of land and water resources of the County.

Specific Duties of the Kossuth County Sanitarian Include:
  1. Well Permits
  2. Water Samplings
  3. Septic Permits
  4. Swimming Pool Inspection
  5. Public Health Related Nuisances
  6. Tanning Bed Inspections
  7. Lead Paint Abatement

Kossuth County Sanitarian

Ben Huntley