Kossuth County GIS

114 West State Street | Algona , IA 50511 | Phone: (515) 395-2045 | Fax: (515) 295-3071

Office Hours: 8 am to 4 pm, Mon.-Fri.

What is GIS and how is it important to Kossuth County?

The acronym stands for Geographic Information System. In a basic form, it’s a way to present geographically referenced data. That data can include roads, property lines, address points, school district boundaries and surveyed section corners just to name a few. Most often the information is placed over aerial imagery in order to provide a more holistic view of how data is related to the real world.

Kossuth County utilizes and updates cadastral information on a routine basis for the purposes of assessment, asset inventory, land ownership and emergency management.

Avialable Data & Fees
Kossuth County data is currently available by request only and requires a signed media agreement from private entities. Applicable fees may apply ($25.00 minimum charge($50/hr rate))

  • Format: ESRI .shp or .gdb
  • Projection: NAD83 State Plane Iowa North
  • Units: US Feet
  • Available Data: Parcels, Political Boundaries, School Districts

Printed GIS maps and customized exhibits up to 36”x48” are available for purchase at the Courthouse. (Ask for the GIS person at the Auditor’s or Assessor’s window located on the second floor)

Kossuth County Aerial Imagery

Kossuth County contracted aerial image capture in 2006, 2015, 2018 and 2021. Our next scheduled flight is Spring 2024.

Kossuth County Owned Imagery:

  • 2006 - Grayscale - approximately 1 meter per pixel (3.28084 feet per pixel).
  • 2015 - Color - rural areas were captured at 9" per pixel and communities were captured at 4" per pixel.
  • 2018 - Color - rural areas were captured at 6" per pixel and communities were captured at 3" per pixel.
  • 2021 - Color - rural areas were captured at 6" per pixel and communities were captured at 2" per pixel.

Please feel free to contact the Kossuth County GIS Coordinator for more information.

GIS Coordinator

Luke Snyder